How To Apply A Ceramic Coating To Your Car + 3 Tips Nobody Talks About...

Jan 07, 2023

Ceramic coatings are a popular choice for protecting and preserving the paint on a car. They provide a layer of protection that helps to prevent dirt, grime, and other contaminants from sticking to the surface of the paint, which can help to maintain the shine and luster of the vehicle for a longer period of time. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of how to apply a ceramic coating to your car and share three secrets that most people do not know about this process.

  1. Preparation is key

Before you begin applying the ceramic coating to your car, it is important to properly prepare the surface. This includes thoroughly washing and drying the car to remove any dirt, grime, or other contaminants that may be on the surface. You should also take the time to carefully clay the surface to remove any bonded contaminants that may be stuck to the paint. This will help to ensure that the ceramic coating adheres properly and provides the maximum level of protection. Additionally, using a specific "prep spray" will insure the coating can bond to the surface properly. 

  1. Use the right tools and techniques

To apply the ceramic coating to your car, you will need to use a specialized applicator. This can be a microfiber towel, a foam applicator pad, or a spraying device, depending on the type of ceramic coating you are using. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for how to use the applicator and apply the coating to your car. Make sure to use a back and forth motion when applying the ceramic coating, and use a light touch to avoid leaving streaks or excess coating on the surface. We also have a list on our top 3 most recommended ceramic coatings to apply to your car. 

  1. Pay attention to the curing process

After you have applied the ceramic coating to your car, it is important to allow it to cure properly. This typically involves waiting for a certain amount of time (as specified by the manufacturer) before exposing the coated surface to water or other elements. During the curing process, the ceramic coating will harden and bond to the surface of the paint, providing the maximum level of protection. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for curing the coating to ensure that it is applied correctly.

Secret #1: Use a paint thickness gauge to determine the thickness of your car's paint

Before applying a ceramic coating to your car, it is a good idea to use a paint thickness gauge to determine the thickness of your car's paint. This is important because ceramic coatings work best on paint that is in good condition and is not too thick or too thin. If the paint on your car is too thin, the ceramic coating may not adhere properly and may not provide the desired level of protection. On the other hand, if the paint is too thick, the ceramic coating may not bond properly and may peel or flake off over time.

Secret #2: Use a heat gun to remove any contaminants that may be stuck to the surface

If you have bonded contaminants (such as tree sap or tar) stuck to the surface of your car's paint, a heat gun can be a useful tool for removing them. Simply use the heat gun to gently heat the affected area, and then use a clay bar or a microfiber towel to gently remove the contaminants. Be sure to use caution when using a heat gun, as the surface of your car's paint can become very hot and can cause burns if touched.

Secret #3: Use a ceramic coating maintenance product to keep your car's ceramic coating in top condition

Once you have applied a ceramic coating to your car, you can use a ceramic coating maintenance product to help keep the coating in top condition. These products are specially formulated to help remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from the surface of the ceramic coating, and can help to extend the life of the coating.

Here is a list of the most popular ceramic coating maintenance products you should use!